Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is exciting new technology that involves the application of light energy at specific power levels and wavelengths in order to stimulate healing of tissues in the body.
How does it work? In essence, laser light energy is converted into biochemical energy. This initiates a number of beneficial physiological responses and healing effects including:
- Cell regeneration and tissue repair through increased mitochondrial activity
- Production and release of beta-endorphins (substances that inhibit the sensation of pain)
- ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production is increased resulting in improved cellular metabolism
- Increased circulation to the injured area and angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels)
Laser Therapy is non-invasive, non-toxic and has no known negative side-effects. It can be used as a stand-alone treatment or combined with other therapies. It is highly effective at treating a variety of injuries including:
- repetitive strain injuries
- ligament and tendon tears
- soft tissue injuries
- tendonitis
- bursitis
- plantar fasciitis
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- rotator cuff tears
- tennis/golf elbow
- achilles tendonitis
- arthritic/degenerative conditions